How big are acupuncture needles?
A question I get a lot is “how big are the needles that you use?”
Pretty small! I use needles that range from 0.12mm-0.25mm at the thickest. I most commonly use needles that are 0.18mm for 80% of what I’m needling or 0.22mm for tissues at a deeper level (i.e. glutes or hips). Length will also vary depending on the tissue I am trying to target and size of the patient. This will usually range from half an inch up to 4 inches.
0.12mm & 0.14mm are typically used for facial acupuncture
0.16mm are typically used for auricular (ear) or face points
0.18mm-0.20mm used for general body points
0.22mm-0.25mm used for tissue located deeper in the body