What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that originated in China and is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves the insertion of fine, thin needles into specific acupuncture points across the body to help treat a wide range of conditions, including:
GI & Digestive Issues
Premenstrual Symptoms
Traditional Acupuncture is based on an intricate system of meridians mapped throughout the body, much like a network of highways. These meridians are channels through which energy, or Qi (pronounced "chee"), flows. Each acupuncture point along these channels has specific functions and therapeutic indications. A diagnosis in acupuncture is made by evaluating a combination of signs, symptoms, and a thorough examination of the tongue and pulse. This diagnosis helps determine the appropriate acupuncture points to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy.
Once the is made and the point selections are made, each point can be activated in several ways. The most common method involves inserting fine, filiform needles into the selected points and gently manipulating them to stimulate the flow of Qi. Additional techniques, such as Moxibustion (the burning of dried mugwort), Tuina (a form of Chinese therapeutic massage), and acupressure, may also be used to enhance the effects and further stimulate these points for healing.
Synergistic Movement specializes in the treatment of sports injuries, pain management, and injury prevention. This approach focuses on using anatomically specific points, such as trigger points and motor points, located along the affected muscles. Targeting these areas helps reset overactive muscles and activate inhibited muscles, restoring balance to the body’s movement patterns.
During the process, we conduct a movement-based assessment to identify dysfunctional patterns and pinpoint which muscles require treatment. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to tailor our approach, ensuring that the right muscles are addressed to improve both performance and recovery.
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