How big are acupuncture needles?
Acupuncture needles are pretty small! I use needles that range from 0.12mm-0.25mm at the thickest. I most commonly use needles that are 0.18mm for 80% of what I’m needling or 0.22mm for tissues at a deeper level (i.e. glutes or hips). Length will also vary depending on the tissue I am trying to target and size of the patient. This will usually range from half an inch up to 4 inches.
Treating the Common Cold with Acupuncture
It’s that time of year when the “crud” starts making the rounds! Sick and tired (pun intended) of that stubborn cold dragging on? Instead of just waiting it out, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture can be a great option to help you recover faster and get back on your feet. By boosting your immune system, relieving congestion, and balancing your body’s energy, these ancient therapies can help you feel better sooner, naturally. Don’t let the cold season slow you down—give TCM a try and feel the difference!
What does treating with Traditional Chinese Medicine look like?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years in China and other parts of East Asia, that has spread worldwide. The various tools used within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) include a range of techniques and instruments designed to restore balance and promote healing. The most common tools used in TCM include, but are not limited to: