

What is Cupping?

Cupping is an ancient therapeutic technique where glass cups are placed on the skin to create a vacuum-like suction. This process draws the skin and underlying tissues into the cup, promoting blood flow and helping to release tension. You may have seen athletes, particularly during the Olympics, with circular marks on their skin—these are often the result of cupping therapy. The marks occur as blood is drawn to the surface, and they are believed to indicate the release of toxins and stagnant blood from the area, promoting healing and improving circulation. While the marks may be visible for several days, they are generally harmless and are part of the body’s natural process of detoxification and recovery.

The benefits of cupping include:

  • Promoting blood flow

  • Loosen knots and tight muscles (therefore increasing mobility)

  • Detoxifying the body

  • Tissue Relaxation


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Fascial Stretch Therapy

A method of manual therapy that uses the fascial network to help increase mobility and range of motion via traction, PNF, and movement. Fascial Stretch Therapy can be used by anyone and everyone!


An modality that utilizes small filiform needles to activate various acupuncture points and/or motor points of muscles. This can be used to treat various conditions such as pain, insomnia, stress, digestive issues and so much more!

Muscle Activation Techniques

This therapy is a checks and balance system of your muscles. Through a series of range of motion assessments, muscle tests, palpations, and retests, MAT™ can get your body with the proper mechanics to help reduce pain and range of motion.