Fascial Stretch Therapy


What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?

Fascia is a type of connective tissue that links your muscle groups together, much like the plastic casing around a sausage. It spans your entire body, with fascial lines running from head to toe. A session of Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) involves gentle traction, which creates more space within the joint capsule, helps break up adhesions that build up in the fascia, and reduces compressive forces on the joints. This process allows for a deeper, more comfortable stretch. During the session, the client will perform light muscle contractions against minimal resistance. These contractions trigger a "contract-relax" response, which helps calm the nervous system, enabling a deeper and more effective stretch.


Ready for your first appointment? Call 303.929.5421, email lin@synergistic-movement.com or book online.



An modality that utilizes small filiform needles to activate various acupuncture points and/or motor points of muscles. This can be used to treat various conditions such as pain, insomnia, stress, digestive issues and so much more!


Muscle Activation Techniques

This therapy is a checks and balance system of your muscles. Through a series of range of motion assessments, muscle tests, palpations, and retests, MAT™ can get your body with the proper mechanics to help reduce pain and range of motion.


Cupping is an ancient form of therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the body to create suction as a way of increasing blood flow, separating tissue layers, and breaking up adhesions formed in the tissue.