All of the following services are available for 30, 45, 60, or 90 minute appointments.
fascial stretch therapy
A new method of manual therapy that uses the fascial network to help increase mobility and range of motion via traction, PNF, and movement. Fascial Stretch Therapy can be used by anyone and everyone!
Lokte Method
A newer therapy that utilizes a pin and stretch technique to help create a deep connective tissue release. This therapy is unique because it uses the practitioner’s foot that allows the practitioners weight to facilitate tissue release.
muscle activation techniques
This therapy is a checks and balance system of your muscles. Through a series of range of motion assessments, muscle tests, palpations, and retests, MAT™ can help reduce pain and increase range of motion.
Fire Cupping
Cupping is an ancient form of therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the body to create suction as a way of increasing blood flow, separating tissue layers, and breaking up adhesions formed in the tissue.